Family Friendly Bridge Club
St Camillus Church, 1175 Concord Turnpike
(Route 2, Exit 132 (Formerly 57)), Arlington
Monday, February 17, 12:30 PM: The game at St Camillus, Arlington is NOT CANCELLED
No Bridge Thurs Feb 6 Snow
Hi Everyone,
For President’s Day Observed (2/17/25):
Monday, February 17, 12:30 PM: The game at St Camillus, Arlington is NOT CANCELLED.
Success in Las Vegas: Ken Bloom (Sudbury) and Jan Popiel (Lexington) placed 9th in the ACBL Blue Ribbon Pairs event.
Congratulations on their success competing against 169 other top bridge pairs.
New for 2025: FFBC Library of Bridge Books ...A Lending Library of Bridge Books – these are books that were donated by bridge players and their families.
Players follow 3 steps: Step 1- Find a book you are interested in, Step 2- Take the book home and read it, Step 3- Return the book to the library and start again at Step 1.
This is our way of recycling these wonderful resources. My many thanks to everyone who participates in this program.
Important: The Start Time for Wednesday morning Belmont Bridge Game has been changed to 10:30 AM
and the game location has been changed to the First Floor of the Beech St Senior Center, Belmont.
Snow Policy: When the weather forecast is predicting snow on “bridge days”, you can check the website, www.familyfriendlybridge.com .
In addition, I will send an Email to notify everyone as soon as any bridge game is canceled.
If Belmont Schools are closed, then The Beech St Center will be closed. Even if the game is not canceled, please use your own judgment
re: whether it is safe to be on the roads during/after the storm. Your personal safety is the most important factor – you can play bridge some other day.
Note: The parking situation in Belmont remains very difficult because of snow banks.
If you have a cold or the flu, please do not come to bridge - You will be jeopardizing the health of everyone. Flu is very dangerous and even possibly fatal to some individuals.
Please be respectful to everyone and stay home when you are ill. Thank you.
Upcoming Bridge Events/Tournaments:
Bridge Game and Refreshments (Attention Non-Lifemasters and Their Mentors):
Saturday, February 8: 1:00 to 4:00 PM, cost = $ 15 -- The Jenks Center, 109 Skillings Road, Winchester.
Newcomers are especially welcome. There are special prizes, refreshments and lots of bridge with your friends... Come and give it a try...
You can make your reservation by sending me an Email or calling me (339) 223-6484.
This popular event usually has 10+ tables 'in play' – 2025 Schedule: Jenks Center = 3/8, 4/12, 5/10, and 6/14 (NO game for Dec 2025)
– See attached Brunch document for details.
Monthly Pairs 499er Game with Expert analysis of each hand: Once a month, all 36 deals played on this evening are reviewed by an expert player. The analyses were written by Richard Pavlicek and originally published in a souvenir booklet given to each participant after the game. These analyses provide instructive reading with many tips on bidding and play. To benefit even further, compare your bidding and play with his write-up. For a sample of the souvenir booklet, see attached document in this email: “1987 Hands.pdf”. The next of these 499er Pair Games will be held on Tuesday Evening, February 14, 2025, 6:30 to 9:00 PM. Cost remains at $12.
It’s three tournaments in one and offers GOLD, SILVER & RED for EVERYONE!!
February 18-22, EnVision Hotel • Mansfield, MA
Go to https://nebridge.org/ for details....
Eastern Mass Bridge Association (EMBA):
EMBA has scheduled a Sectional Tournament for the winter of 2025:
Winter Sectional in Boston Area, March 1 to 2 (Saturday-Sunday), Watertown, MA
See web page above for details... Website: https://www.bridgewebs.com/cgi-bin/bwop/bw.cgi?club=emba&pid=display_home
New Hampshire Bridge Association (NHBA):
NHBA has scheduled a Sectional Tournament for the winter of 2025:
Winter Sectional in NH Seacoast Area, March 29 to 30 (Saturday-Sunday), Portsmouth, NH
Go to https://nhbridge.com/ for details....
Connecticut Bridge Association (CBA):
CBA has scheduled a Sectional Tournament for the spring of 2025:
Connecticut Sectional, March 28 to 30 (Friday-Sunday), Orange, CT
Go to https://ctbridge.org/ for details....
Bridge Lessons:
Free Online Bridge for New Players: American Contract Bridge League offers many options to learn and play bridge – and most offerings are at NO Cost.
Go to: https://www.acbl.org/learn/
Bridge Lessons (on line and face-to-face) - Kim Gilman has taught 1,000’s of Bridge players using Zoom and Shark Bridge as her classroom!
In these classes students learn by actually playing, not just listening to lectures. For all the details: go to https://www.bridgewithkim.com/classes
Thanks to all of you for your continued support of our efforts to have a fun place to play bridge.
Bob Gaudet
Cell: (339) 223-6484
Schedule of Bridge Games – Family Friendly Bridge Club
“Live” Bridge at St Camillus Church, Arlington”
Monday, 12:30 PM, 24 boards, “OPEN”
Tuesday, 12:30 PM, 18-20 boards, 499er Game (“Restricted”, unless you are mentoring)
Tuesday, 6:30 PM, 18-20 boards, 499er Game (“Restricted”, unless you are mentoring)
Wednesday 10:30 AM -- for Belmont Bridge Club, 20-21 boards, “OPEN”
(location=Beech St Center, Belmont)
Wednesday 7:00 PM -- for Winchester DBC, 24 boards, “OPEN”
Thursday, 9:30 AM, 9 boards, 20 minute lesson at beginning of session, “Restricted”,
must be Skill Level = Non-Lifemaster, unless you are mentoring
Thursday, 12:30 PM, 24 boards, “OPEN”
Friday, 12:30 PM, 24 boards, “OPEN”